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Inland 360 is an independent, family-owned news organization focused on local coverage of the arts and culture of north central Idaho and eastern Washington.

Journalism organizations around the world can no longer rely on advertising revenue to exist. Instead of putting up a paywall, we want to keep our work available to as many people in the community as possible. Our relationship with our readers is our future.

If you find value in Inland 360, we invite you to make a contribution. Your money will support our efforts to be a source of accurate, timely and local information. Thank you for donating, and thank you for supporting our mission.

Please note that your support dollars do not constitute a charitable donation and will not qualify for a tax deduction.
If you have any questions about your contribution to Inland 360, please contact us.

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And if you have suggestions for how we can improve, tell us.

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Five more ways to support Inland 360 and the free press in your community:

1. Subscription to the Lewiston Tribune or Moscow-Pullman Daily News
2. Follow us and spread the word on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
3. Share your events, and find others, at our online events calendar
4. Advertise with Inland 360 online and in print
5. Support the advertisers you see on our pages, then tell then where you saw the ad

  • Grape & Grain

    @ Lewis-Clark State College Center for Arts & History

    Fri., Sept. 13, 6-8 p.m.